Sunday, January 14, 2007

It feels like Sunday

So, I am tired... which I normally am after a week full of work and a weekend full of Starbucks, and a week full of work and a weekend full of Starbucks, and I think you get the picture...
Last Saturday a woman I work with at the radio station invited me to go walking with her and another woman in Sabino Canyon. Sabino Canyon is a place that I have been meaning to visit since I moved here... but it is hard to get around to those things by yourself. Either way, I went, it was beautiful and I would like to start going out there to excercise more often once it is a little warmer.
Here is one of the views from Sabino Canyon...

When I got home this afternoon I was greeted by a beautiful surprise.
Brian got into my apartment while I was at Starbucks this morning and left beautiful roses for me with a really sweet note. He is fabulous and so thoughtful to give these to me!

He is on his way over so we can go visit a new church... I am hoping that this is one that will be enjoyable and uplifting!!


vicki said...

Beautiful canyon shot and beautiful roses in the second shot, too. Hope the worship time together was a blessing to you both. Lylaf, the mom

James said...

When do I get to go walking in Sabino Canyon? It looks like a beautiful place - year round. The Dad