Sunday, October 29, 2006

A lovely Sunday

So, the weather over the last few days has been quiet lovely. It has been a little warmer then I expected for the end of October but Sunday was fairly overcast and cooler.

On Saturday, Brian, Adam and I went to a Haloween party (when I get the pictures from Brian's camera I will add them) at one of Gavin's friends homes. It was pretty fun! I was rudolph the red nosed reindeer!!!! I definitely think I was the cutest person there!!!! :)

On Sunday, Brian and I went on a motorcycle ride to Vail, AZ (about 25 miles outside of Tucson). It is so open out there and it is neat to see the development that Brian and his team at work are working on.
We rode all the way to Colossal Cave Mountain Park and walked around on a couple of trails and checked out the 'colossal cave'. Neither of us brought our camera's so I don't have any pictures of this... but trust me... it very pretty!!!! We petted the animals at the petting zoo and looked at all the horse's that you can ride (for a fee, of course).

Then we made our way back and stopped at Barnes & Noble (mom, your membership has expired by the way...) :) Brian bought me the book, 'Body for Life for Women'. I thing it will be pretty interesting. I'll let you know what I learn.

Brian and I are going to visit a church on Sunday night called Second Mile.

That's all I've got for now.

1 comment:

vicki said...

I've got to know, did you drive 25 miles to Vail and then get on a bike, or did you bike 25 miles?? I would say you have a pretty "in shape" body if you are taking marathon bike rides!
And next time I hope you have the camera...I'd love to see more of AZ on the blog! Lylaf, the mom