Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Vegas fun

Brian and I had a wonderful time in Las Vegas visiting with some of his wonderful college friends Pete and Nina. Nina and I did a lot of shopping and a WHOLE lot of walking! Brian and Pete gambled a little and enjoyed each others company so much. Here are some pictures... though I did not get near as many as I would have liked... alas.

The best boyfriend in the whole wide world!!

and another...

Nina and Pete doing the Chicken Dance at the Hoffbrau(?) House

And in a recent blog I was talking about the weather. These pictures do not do it justice but this is just a little look of the clouds coming in while driving... can see the cloud coverage coming over my apartment (middle to top right) and the crystal clear blue sky that is being covered (middle left)

same thing here... the weather was beautiful outside my door at my apartment but you can see the dark clouds moving in from a distance over the mountains!

God bless the monsoons!

1 comment:

Valerie said...

You look very pretty! Your next post can be about how much fun we're going to have on Saturday night!