Wednesday, June 14, 2006

LYLAFB = Love you loads and forever, bye!!
Which means... MOM WINS!!!!!!
Duhh veeves, I mean, you haven't been out of the country that long to forget this! My word... :)

Friends, let me tell you... I would love to give you some pictures and I would love to send you to the links of my wonderful family's (immediate and extended) blogs... however, I am still a newbie at this blog stuff so I haven't figured it out yet.
Just give me some time... and I will provide! :)

Life as of Wednesday... is still pretty stinkin' boring. I made Brian go to dinner with me last night (actually out in public) since I was so absurdly bored and was about to go crazy. We watched the mavs game... everyone was cheering for the other team... I didn't know what to do with myself. I have also had two different people say to me, "Oh no... I bet you're a Cowboys fan too?!" I mean really, why even ask... I was born and raised in the FB, I am loyal and I am a Texan! I do hate the fact that TO is now a Cowboy but it doesn't mean I ever have to claim him... However, I think all of these Arizonians... Arizoniates... whatever... are just jealous because the Mavs oh so beautifully beat the Suns!!

God bless Texas, God bless you and God bless my job search!!



vicki said...

Hey, Cath, lets call them Arizoniacs! That'll show 'em...your job search will lead to something wonderful soon and I can't wait to hear all about it. Lylaf, The Mom

Valerie said...

Excuse me, there's just so many variations that the only one that is really easy to keep up with is "LYLA.." Didn't those pics on mine remind you of Arizona. That's what I thought of.

Brooks Inc. said...

Honestly-With all of these goode blogs springing up I am going to have to get up an hour earlier just to make sure I read them all...

I am so glad you are letting us in on your daily life through this blog.

I am praying the Lord leads you to the perfect job...Ilove you!
